Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Goodbye 2007/2008; Hello 2008/2009

Dear D’Utama Advanced Toastmasters & Friends of DU Advanced,

It was with a heavy heart that I relinquished my position as Vice President Education. I couldn’t bear to pass the next meeting’s agenda to the outgoing President, Lee Wei Seong who will be TME at the next meeting. But in life, learning to move on is an important lesson everyone must learn. The only condition perhaps, is that the move is one for greener pastures, be it on a personal level, in your career, your family life. Or anything for that matter.

Reflecting on the past year, I have grown in confidence, in faith and most importantly, in hope. For myself. And, for mankind. I joined DU Advanced at a very low point in my life. Life was a chore. Impossible was my favourite word. Then things took a turn. Impossible began shedding its prefix “im-”. I witnessed change. I embraced change. I became change. Albeit just five degrees of it. At a time.

I look forward to the coming term with great anticipation and excitement. In the last term, we focused on rebuilding – improving our meetings in terms of attendance and offerings. We stuck closely to our Club’s vision of being a Resource Center for Information and an exemplary Center for Leadership. This year we seek to further enhance our reputation as a Center for Communication Growth. This is a mammoth task though, and one the Exco cannot do alone. We need YOU!


The next season, when you see the geese migrating, going to a warmer place, to sort the winter... Pay attention that they fly in a “V” formation. Maybe you will be interested in knowing why they do it this way...
By flying in a “V” formation, the whole flock increases the flight efficiency by 71%, compared to just one bird flying alone.

Lesson 1:
Sharing the same direction and working as a team, get us to the destination quicker and easier. By helping ourselves, the accomplishments are greater!.
When a goose leaves the formation…
He feels the resistance of the air and the difficulties of flying alone....
Then, he quickly comes back to the formation to take advantage of the flock’s power in front of him ..

Lesson 2:
By staying in tune and united beside those who are going in the same direction, the effort will be less. It will be easier and pleasing to reach the goals, everyone will be inclined to accept and give help.
When the leader goose gets tired of flying...
He goes to the end of the “V” formation. While another goose takes the lead.

Lesson 3:
To share the leadership,
There must be mutual respect between us all the time...
Sharing the hardest problems and tasks…
Gathering our abilities and combining our faculties, talents and resources….
The geese flying on a “V” formation, they quack to encourage to the ones in the front. In that way, they keep the same speed.

Lesson 4:
When there is courage and encouragement, the progress is greater…
A timely word of encouragement, always motivates, helps and strengthens…It produces the best of benefits...
When a goose gets sick, is injured or gets tired and he must leave the formation...
Other geese leave the formation too, and they fly with him to help him out and protect him. They remain with him until he dies or he is able to fly again. They reach their bevy or they just make another “V” formation.

Lesson 5:
Let’s stay beside each other no matter what the differences.
Specially in times of difficulty and great challenges..
If we bond together and support each other…If we make true the spirit of teamwork…Regardless of our differences, we can rise to meet our challenge.
If we understand the real value of friendship…
If we are aware of the feeling of sharing…
Life will be easierAnd the passing of years More fulfillingMy friendsLet’s learn from this teamwork story of the geese!!!

Be The Change

Best regards,

Deborah Hoe, CTM
President 2008/2009
D’Utama Advanced Toastmasters Club

1 comment:

joycy said...

Looking forward to a great term under a great person like u!