Thursday, September 11, 2008

President's Address - 11 Sep 2008

Date: 11 September 2008 (Thu)
Time: 7.40pm
Venue: Rm 1.08 KDU College

Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to D’Utama Advanced Toastmasters Club!

The other day I was having tea with my 13-year-old niece when she suddenly started jumping excitedly in her seat. “Debbie jie jie, Debbie jie jie, let me tell you a story.” Before I could say anything, she began,

“One day, a teacher asked her students to list their ideas about the modern Seven Wonders of the World. There were some disagreements, but the following got the most votes:

1. Egypt's Great Pyramids
2. Taj Mahal
3. Grand Canyon
4. Panama Canal
5. Empire State Building
6. St. Peter's Basilica, and
7. China's Great Wall.

While collecting the votes, the teacher noted that one quiet student did not turn in her paper. So she asked the girl if she was having trouble with her list.

The girl answered her teacher, "Yes, a little. I couldn't quite make up my mind because there were so many."

The teacher said, "Well, tell us what you have, and maybe we can help."

The girl hesitated, and then she read out loud, "I think the Seven Wonders of the World are:
1. to touch
2. to taste
3. to see
4. to hear
5. to feel
6. to laugh, and
7. to love."

To be honest, that was not the first time I’d heard this story. Today may not be the first time you are hearing this story. It’s all over the Internet. Think about it though - we are always looking for, we’re always in awe of the biggest, the tallest, the longest, the oldest structure to remind us of greatness. But we forget the greatest wonder of the world – US. For without us, there would not be great structures.

Let us start each day reminding ourselves that we have the best gifts bestowed upon us – the gift of warmth, the gift of sight, the gift of sound, the gift of emotions, the gift of love – it is only when we appreciate our wonders can we then be able to share and touch the lives of others. Love ourselves and enjoy our gifts! Be the change!

Thank you.

Best regards,

Deborah Hoe, CTM
President 2008/2009

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Humorous Speech & Evaluation Contest

Opening Address

A contest is defined as a competition; as a struggle for superiority, or victory between rivals. Today, D’Utama Advanced Toastmasters compete.

Good luck to the men and women who dream of victory in today’s contest and have moved one step closer to realizing that dream through the spirit of competition. As Leon J Suenes said, “Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true.”

Let the contest begin!

Closing Address

There may be winners. There may be losers. But Steve Young, a former San Francisco 49er quarterback said, “The principle is competing against yourself. It’s about self improvement, about being better than you were the day before.” And I like to think we all are.

Thank you again to the contestants, role players, organizers and last but not least, the audience who have each contributed, albeit in a minor way, to the major success that is this evening. I hope to see all of you again at our next meeting on 11 September 2008. Drive safely. Thank you and good night!

Best regards,

Deborah Hoe, CTM
President 2008/2009

Thursday, August 14, 2008

President's Address - 14 Aug 2008

Date: 14 August 2008 (Thu)
Time: 7.40pm
Venue: Rm 1.08 KDU College

Good evening ladies and gentlemen.

Welcome to D’Utama Advanced Toastmasters Club!

Today I am going to do things a little differently. I am going to begin with a demonstration. May I have a volunteer?

[Demonstration on self-affirmation. Sorry you can’t view it!]

You saw it for yourself. The power of self affirmation, which is a subset of autosuggestion. Negativity breeds negativity. Likewise, positivity breeds positivity.

And we can employ this method for anything in any way, at any time. It doesn’t have to be only for the big things in life. Even simple things in life, such as driving. How many of us here drive? Driving comes very naturally, doesn’t it? You get in the car, turn the ignition, engage the gear and you’re off. Very methodical. Very simple.

Not at all. I had my driver’s license for ten years. But never used it. I was afraid. I was fortunate that I have a good friend. She was patient enough to teach me how to drive again. And in her Mercedes at that!

When I finally had enough to courage to drive alone again, I would go to work in my car, Madison. Maddy and I cruised the streets of PJ together. One day, my friend asked me why I always took the longer route home. I was afraid. To cross the busy junction behind my house.

One day, I woke up and told myself I was going to cross that busy junction. I told myself “I can do it.” I didn’t. The next day I told myself again, “I can do it.” Twice. I didn’t. I must have said it a million times to myself before today. And now, I really can.

Self affirmation. Autosuggestion. If there’s anything to learn, I think it’s important for us to make self talk an everyday activity for ourselves. It worked for me. It can for you too.

Thank you.

Best regards,

Deborah Hoe, CTM
President 2008/2009

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Installation Dinner Speech

Date: 2 August 2008 (Sat)
Time: 7.00 pm
Venue: Royale Bintang, The Curve

Good evening ladies and gentlemen.

On behalf of the committee, I would like to record thanks to the organizing chair, Lee Wei Seong, for his gallant effort tonight. It is probably the first event in the last year that he has organized. Without my help. Also, thanks to his carefully chosen organizing committee, specially invited guests, representatives from other respected Toastmasters Clubs, and most of all, to D’Utama Advanced Toastmasters for gracing this event with your presence.

I received an SMS this morning from a fellow member who missed the last meeting and is not present this evening. It read, “Have fun at installation dinner tonight. The work begins tomorrow. Hahaha.” I sent out this reply, “Hahaha, the work began a month ago actually.”

The executive committee is privileged to be selected to run this term. Thank you for the honour and confidence in us to take you through your TM journey in 2008 / 2009. We are here to meet your goals and needs, to be competitive, and to be in the company of other like-minded Toastmasters.

Ladies & Gentlemen,

I personally had a wonderful term as VPE last year with many fond memories I’d like to share. But I am not here to talk about the past. Let’s talk about the future.

I foresee a bumpy road. And I am sure as we move along on this journey, there will be butterflies in the stomach. Yet, the anxieties, many as they come, will make our journey towards becoming better and greater communicators one worth travelling.

Collectively, the EXCO, we want very much to be able to be there, to provide you the platform, the support, the encouragement, the mentorship. It is a privilege for us to be there for you. Indeed, our job is to create the opportunity for you to meet your goals every step of the way.

I learned in the last term not to have lofty goals. So this year, I am going to say - it’s not about being President’s Distinguished Club or champion of the world. We do not promise you great things. But we are determinedly realistic about our desire to help you take one step forward from last term towards achieving your goal. And hopefully, along the way, we do become President’s Distinguished and champion of the world. As my boss always tells me, “It’s not the winning that matters. It’s the process of getting there that makes a difference.” We want to see you "Be The Change", which coincidentally is the club's theme for the year.

Division B Governor, DTM Zaharah Ibrahim said earlier in her address that she once visited a DU Advanced meeting, but she didn't have the courage to join the club. I tell you honestly, Zaharah, "I'm glad I did!"

Thank you and good night.

Best regards,

Deborah Hoe, CTM
President 2008/2009

Friday, July 11, 2008

President's Address - 10 Jul 2008

Date: 10 July 2008 (Thu)
Time: 7.40pm
Venue: Rm 1.08 KDU College

Good evening ladies and gentlemen.

Let us all take a moment to close our eyes. Focus on your breathing.

Breathe in. Hold. Breathe out. Once again, breathe in. Hold. Breathe out. One last time. Breathe in. Hold. Breathe out. Keep your eyes closed. And keep breathing.

The room is brightly lit. The murmurs are anticipatory. Your name is called out and you step forward. Suddenly, silence. A deafening silence fills the room. All eyes are on you. You look around but the spotlights are blinding. Your blood rushes through your veins. The adrenaline kicks in. You open your mouth but nothing comes out. You start to sweat. Still, nothing comes out of your mouth. Your humiliation index increases. You want to crawl out of your skin now.

Suddenly you are shaken so violently your eyes open. It was only a dream. And one that will remain a dream because today you are here. Today, you have made a commitment to improve, to make a difference. Today, you want to Be The Change. And for that simple reason, I congratulate you!

Welcome each and everyone of you to D’Utama Advanced Toastmasters Club’s first meeting for the 2008/2009 term! I have not been officially installed but as President elect, and on behalf of DU Advanced Toastmasters, I extend nothing but the warmest greetings to our honoured guests. It is a pleasure for me to be hosting you and I hope your choice to visit us today pays dividends.

Be The Change.

I took my parents and my good friend’s mom to watch Kung Fu Panda two weeks ago. I loved it so much, I took another friend the following week. Po is a panda. He works in the noodle restaurant owned by his father. He is large and clumsy but dreams of becoming a kung fu master. His father wants him to take over the noodle business.

By a twist of fate, Po finds himself in the position of the Dragon Warrior, the one chosen to defeat the evil Tai Lung, to the disdain of five more worthy kung fu exponents and the respected kung fu master named Shifu. Po tolerated their obvious contempt for him because he dreamt of becoming more than the failure he thought he was.

Ladies and gentlemen what started out to be a night of entertaining my parents and aunty, ended up being an affirmation of what we as Toastmasters try to inculcate in ourselves and others. Belief in yourself. We can want change so badly, but if we do not embrace change, we will never change. And change begins when we make a commitment to ourselves and our brethren.

With that, I would like to invite all DU Advanced Toastmasters to rise and join me in reaffirming our pledge to D’Utama Advanced Toastmasters Club.

“I, [state your own name]_, in the presence of my fellow members of D’Utama Advanced Toastmasters Club, make this firm obligation
to attend meetings regularly and prepare fully for each assignment,
to apply myself to the program outlined in the Toastmasters manuals,
to participate actively in club activities,
to evaluate others in a positive, constructive manner,
to build open, friendly relationships with my fellow members, and
to bring other new members into the Club so that they can also gain the benefits of Toastmasters.

We, D’Utama Advanced Toastmasters Club, pledge to support each other in our quest for self-development, to provide each other with positive, helpful evaluations, to maintain a friendly, supportive atmosphere, to give each other opportunities to help others, and to make ours and each others’ Toastmasters memberships a rewarding and fulfilling experience.”

Thank you.

Best regards,

Deborah Hoe, CTM
President 2008/2009

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Goodbye 2007/2008; Hello 2008/2009

Dear D’Utama Advanced Toastmasters & Friends of DU Advanced,

It was with a heavy heart that I relinquished my position as Vice President Education. I couldn’t bear to pass the next meeting’s agenda to the outgoing President, Lee Wei Seong who will be TME at the next meeting. But in life, learning to move on is an important lesson everyone must learn. The only condition perhaps, is that the move is one for greener pastures, be it on a personal level, in your career, your family life. Or anything for that matter.

Reflecting on the past year, I have grown in confidence, in faith and most importantly, in hope. For myself. And, for mankind. I joined DU Advanced at a very low point in my life. Life was a chore. Impossible was my favourite word. Then things took a turn. Impossible began shedding its prefix “im-”. I witnessed change. I embraced change. I became change. Albeit just five degrees of it. At a time.

I look forward to the coming term with great anticipation and excitement. In the last term, we focused on rebuilding – improving our meetings in terms of attendance and offerings. We stuck closely to our Club’s vision of being a Resource Center for Information and an exemplary Center for Leadership. This year we seek to further enhance our reputation as a Center for Communication Growth. This is a mammoth task though, and one the Exco cannot do alone. We need YOU!


The next season, when you see the geese migrating, going to a warmer place, to sort the winter... Pay attention that they fly in a “V” formation. Maybe you will be interested in knowing why they do it this way...
By flying in a “V” formation, the whole flock increases the flight efficiency by 71%, compared to just one bird flying alone.

Lesson 1:
Sharing the same direction and working as a team, get us to the destination quicker and easier. By helping ourselves, the accomplishments are greater!.
When a goose leaves the formation…
He feels the resistance of the air and the difficulties of flying alone....
Then, he quickly comes back to the formation to take advantage of the flock’s power in front of him ..

Lesson 2:
By staying in tune and united beside those who are going in the same direction, the effort will be less. It will be easier and pleasing to reach the goals, everyone will be inclined to accept and give help.
When the leader goose gets tired of flying...
He goes to the end of the “V” formation. While another goose takes the lead.

Lesson 3:
To share the leadership,
There must be mutual respect between us all the time...
Sharing the hardest problems and tasks…
Gathering our abilities and combining our faculties, talents and resources….
The geese flying on a “V” formation, they quack to encourage to the ones in the front. In that way, they keep the same speed.

Lesson 4:
When there is courage and encouragement, the progress is greater…
A timely word of encouragement, always motivates, helps and strengthens…It produces the best of benefits...
When a goose gets sick, is injured or gets tired and he must leave the formation...
Other geese leave the formation too, and they fly with him to help him out and protect him. They remain with him until he dies or he is able to fly again. They reach their bevy or they just make another “V” formation.

Lesson 5:
Let’s stay beside each other no matter what the differences.
Specially in times of difficulty and great challenges..
If we bond together and support each other…If we make true the spirit of teamwork…Regardless of our differences, we can rise to meet our challenge.
If we understand the real value of friendship…
If we are aware of the feeling of sharing…
Life will be easierAnd the passing of years More fulfillingMy friendsLet’s learn from this teamwork story of the geese!!!

Be The Change

Best regards,

Deborah Hoe, CTM
President 2008/2009
D’Utama Advanced Toastmasters Club